Junior Fullstack Java Developer

  • Wrocław
  • Infor (polska) Sp. Z O.o.
Junior Fullstack Java Developer Miejsce pracy: Wrocław Technologies we use Expected HTML JavaScript CSS SQL Java Optional Docker Kubernetes AWS Angular Node.js TeamCity Operating system Windows About the project Infor Workforce Management (WFM) is a world-class web application providing comprehensive and modern solutions that strategically enhance workforce planning, execution, and analysis. Built on a proven technology platform, we continue to innovate and lead, solving tomorrow’s workforce needs for our global customer base. Originally, our backend was all Java, but today Kotlin is our first choice when writing service-oriented code. Our front end has used all the technologies of the past decades, but today we use Angular while supporting JSP pages with JavaScript and jQuery. Your responsibilities New Feature Development – we turn requirements into stylish and useful new features for our web and mobile applications. Scrum – our small cross-functional team works independently to deliver features. Methodology – we use industry best practices to ensure we deliver code to be proud of; Code reviews, Pair Programming, TDD, BDD, and CI are all part of the toolset. Testing – we write unit and integration tests using standard testing frameworks (JUnit, Mockito, Cucumber, and Gherkin) to keep our quality high. Impact – each team member has a real impact on our product by collaborating with designers and product owners. Minimal Maintenance – maintenance happens, but we spread the work throughout the year, taking about 15% of any developer’s time. Global Scale – work with colleagues from around the world; We have teams in Canada, the USA, Poland, the Czech Republic, the Philippines, and India. Our requirements Java development knowledge, including knowledge of JSP, Servlets, and JDBC. Knowledge of web application development: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery. Knowledge of Databases and SQL: Oracle, Postgres, DB2, or MySQL. English language proficiency (good verbal and written communication skills). Optional Understanding of software engineering. processes and Agile Software Development (Scrum, Kanban). Experience with Docker, Kubernetes, and AWS. Knowledge of at least one of Angular, React, and Node.js. Knowledge/Experience with application servers such as Oracle WebLogic, IBM Web Sphere, and JBoss. Knowledge/Experience with tools like Ant, Maven, SonarQube, TeamCity, etc. Servlets, Web Services. HTML5, CSS, COMPASS, SASS, LESS AJAX, JSON, SOAP, REST. Understanding of different OS Memory management strategies, heap structure, and design patterns. Good knowledge of TDD and Unit testing. Experience with a Time and Attendance or Scheduling application is a plus. This is how we organize our work This is how we work in house you focus on a single project at a time you have influence on the choice of tools and technologies you have influence on the technological solutions applied you focus on product development you focus on code maintenance agile scrum What we offer Interesting and diverse tasks in a highly dedicated team. Comprehensive training and development opportunities. Exciting projects in a challenging industry with significant growth potential. Opportunities for professional and personal development in a globally operating, growth-oriented, and successful company. Attractive compensation package. Benefits sharing the costs of sports activities private medical care sharing the costs of foreign language classes sharing the costs of professional training & courses life insurance remote work opportunities fruits integration events no dress code video games at work coffee / tea parking space for employees leisure zone redeployment package employee referral program charity initiatives Recruitment stages Recruiter interview (30 minutes) Technical interview (1,5h) Our Values At Infor, we strive for an environment that is founded on a business philosophy called Principle Based Management (PBM) and eight Guiding Principles: integrity, stewardship & compliance, transformation, principled entrepreneurship, knowledge, humility, respect, self-actualization. Increasing diversity is important to reflect our markets, customers, partners, and communities we serve in now and in the future. We have a relentless commitment to a culture based on PBM. Informed by the principles that allow a free and open society to flourish, PBM prepares individuals to innovate, improve, and transform while fostering a healthy, growing organization that creates long-term value for its clients and supporters and fulfillment for its employees. Infor is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive work environment. Infor does not discriminate against candidates or employees because of their sex, race, gender identity, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, veteran status, or any other protected status under the law. What We Do? New Feature Development – we turn requirements into stylish and useful new features for our web and mobile applications. Scrum – our small cross-functional team works independently to deliver features. Methodology – we use industry best practices to ensure we deliver code to be proud of; Code reviews, Pair Programming, TDD, BDD, and CI are all part of the toolset. Testing – we write unit and integration tests using standard testing frameworks (JUnit, Mockito, Cucumber, and Gherkin) to keep our quality high. Impact – each team member has a real impact on our product by collaborating with designers and product owners. Minimal Maintenance – maintenance happens, but we spread the work throughout the year, taking about 15% of any developer’s time. Global Scale – work with colleagues from around the world; We have teams in Canada, the USA, Poland, the Czech Republic, the Philippines, and India. Infor (Polska) Sp. z o.o. Infor is a global leader in business cloud software products for companies in industry specific markets. Infor builds complete industry suites in the cloud and efficiently deploys technology that puts the user experience first, leverages data science, and integrates easily into existing systems. Over 60,000 organizations worldwide rely on Infor to help overcome market disruptions and achieve business-wide digital transformation. For more information visit www.infor.com Klikając w przycisk „Aplikuj” lub w inny sposób wysyłając zgłoszenie rekrutacyjne, zgadzasz się na przetwarzanie Twoich danych osobowych przez Infor (Polska) Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w: Piłsudskiego 69, 50-019 Wrocław (Pracodawca), jako administratora danych osobowych w celu przeprowadzenia rekrutacji na stanowisko wskazane w ogłoszeniu. Twoje dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w oparciu o następujące podstawy prawne: (a) aby podjąć działania na Twoje żądanie przed zawarciem umowy (np. informacje o oczekiwanym wynagrodzeniu i dostępności do rozpoczęcia pracy); (b) w oparciu o nasz prawnie uzasadniony interes (np. imię, nazwisko, data urodzenia, dane kontaktowe, wykształcenie, kwalifikacje zawodowe, przebieg dotychczasowego zatrudnienia); c) w oparciu o Twoją zgodę, która wyrażona jest poprzez przeslanie dokumentów aplikacyjnych zawierających takie informacje jak np. wizerunek czy zainteresowania. Podanie wszystkich danych osobowych, o których mowa powyżej jest dobrowolne, natomiast dane wymienione w lit. a) i b) są niezbędne do wzięcia udziału w rekrutacji. Niepodanie danych skutkuje brakiem możliwości rozpatrzenia kandydatury. Podanie pozostałych danych jest dobrowolne, ale może pomóc w sprawnym przeprowadzeniu procesu rekrutacji. Masz prawo żądać dostępu do Twoich danych (w tym uzyskania ich kopii), sprostowania danych, ich usunięcia, ograniczenia przetwarzania, przeniesienia, jak również wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec ich przetwarzania. Masz także prawo wniesienia skargi do Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych. Twoje dane osobowe mogą zostać przekazane dostawcom usługi publikacji ogłoszeń o pracę, dostawcom systemów do zarządzania rekrutacjami, dostawcom usług IT (hosting), dostawcom systemów informatycznych. Podane przez Ciebie dane osobowe nie będą wykorzystywane w celu profilowania albo podejmowania decyzji w sposób zautomatyzowany. Twoje dane osobowe będą przetwarzane przez okres maks. 1 roku od zakończenia publikacji ogłoszenia, chyba, że wyraziłeś odrębną zgodę na wykorzystanie Twoich danych osobowych w przyszłych rekrutacjach. W celu realizacji praw lub w przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań związanych z przetwarzaniem Twoich danych osobowych skontaktuj się z nami pod adresem: justyna.biel@infor.com.