Junior Java Developer

  • Kraków
  • Futurum Technology Ltd.

Opis oferty pracy We are recruiting for the position of Java Developer. We are looking for people to join to teams that will work on project that we implement for our client. Tasks: Development of dedicated applications (Java, Spring); Component development and integration; Working with technical documentation. Kwalifikacje A master's degree or engineer's degree in computer science or related studies; Knowledge of Java and Spring; Good knowledge of English; Ability to work effectively in a team and work independently; Full time or part time availability (minimum 20 hours a week); Knowledge of Angular or React (nice to have) Dodatkowe informacje Working in small teams, having a real impact on the project and applied solutions; Felxible working hours and non-corporate work atmosphere; Attractive salary and stable employment condidions based on a B2B contract or a contract of mandate; Work in an office in the center of Krakow (ul. Wadowicka 8)